Monday, October 4, 2010

Victorian Farm Weekend

Just a short video taken at Old Hall Farm showing working horses during the Victorian Weekend. One of members gave an exhibition of ploughing with a team of Clydesdales, Alex's shires pulled the club bus giving rides around the farm and village and Mick and Keith dressed up as victorian workmen with Colin pulling the flat cart.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Autumn is now here and so it's time to start our monthly meetings.

These are held on the second Tuesday of every month, the first one being on Tuesday 12th October at Broughton & District Club, PR3 5DA at 8.00. At this meeting, one of our members will be bringing photos of the year's events.

New members are always welcome whether they have a horse or not.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Unfortunately we haven't been able to arrange another venue for the ploughing, will try to come back bigger and better next year - watch this space!

HOWEVER, one of our members is having an open day at his farm, Old Hall Farm, Bouth LA12 8JA on 11th and 12th September.

This is part of an article that was written about the farm in the North West Evening Mail about last year's open day.
"Over the past 18 months Charlotte White and Alex Sharphouse have been working non-stop looking to take Old Hall Farm, in Bouth, back in time by more than 100 years. The aim is to develop it into a fully-fledged tourist attraction and on Saturday, the couple held their first open day where visitors were able to see how Victorians farmed. Instead of having modern farming machinery on view, a 23-ton steam plough was expected to be trundled out to show how work was done on the field. A traditional threshing machine was also due to be used to work on oats harvested last year. Also on view were a vintage tractor and binder.
Traditional breeds of cattle and pigs have already been brought in – three Hereford heifer calves and a Gloucester Old Spot pig, which has eight piglets. There are also free-range hens and a resident Shire horse called Ben, who will pull carts and work the fields. .........
People were genuinely interested in the Victorian equipment and the animal breeds on show and next time we would try and provide even more information on the machines.”
The 60-acre farm is not just for show – it’s a genuine 19th century-style recreation which the pair are developing to run as a real-life farm that can support their animals.
Over the years, Mr Sharphouse, who works at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway, has collected a number of steam engines, vintage tractors and other bits of old farm machinery. There are also plans to show visitors how some farm workers lived with the remains of shepherds’ accommodation on view."

I'm sure you will agree that this sounds to be an excellent day out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ploughing Match - 5th September, 2010

Unfortunately we haven't been able to arrange a venue in our usual area of Ormskirk for this event. We are actively trying to book a suitable location for the Ploughing Match and I will post details of these if and when we can arrange something.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spring Working Day, 2010

Another successful Working Day was held near Ormskirk earlier this year. Several different breeds of heavy horses were on display - I have included some pictures for you to admire.
Several members brought their ploughing teams and gave an exhibition of the different types of horses that could be used as well as the different pieces of equipment that are available. Two of our members are also members of the Horseboating and they gave a talk on the way that horses were used by canal barge owners. We also had a display ring and the chairman gave a short talk on the different types of horses and their uses.

Whilst the weather was not too kind a good day was had by all.

One of our founder members with his Clydesdale ploughing team

A beautiful shire mare - named Jezabel

A lovely matched pair of Comtois horses

Members of the Horseboating Society with Bilbo

Team of Fjord Horses

Ben and Troy at the Spring Working Day, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Driving Day 2010

We have two events during the year that are open to members. The first is a hands on day when the more experienced members pass on tips and members can take their horses, either just to show off or to get some help and ideas.

The second event is the Driving Day. This is always a well supported day when all types of horse drawn vehicles are driven round the village of Overton, via the local pub. Below are some pictures from this year's event.
A lovely photo of Master and Gyp at the 2010 Driving Day

The annual drive round the country lanes of Overton

Ben and Troy with one of the Society's vehicles

Colin and Bobby with the Shire Bus

Friday, April 16, 2010

Northern Counties Heavy Horse Working Society


SUNDAY 2nd May, 2010
Small Lane, off Firtree Lane, Aughton
Nr. Ormskirk L39 7HA

Clearly signed from A59 and A570 at Stanley Gate

Life on the Farm as it Used to Be

Telephone: 07909 677250 or 01524 858670

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PLOUGHING MATCH - September 2009

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We usually hold our events at Aughton near Ormskirk and will put full details on the website when they are available.

SPRING WORKING DAY - 2nd May, 2010

We usually hold our Working Day at Aughton near Ormskirk and will put full details on the website when they are available.

On this day you will be able to see all types of Heavy Horses. Our members own a variety of heavy horse breeds including Shires, Clydesdales, Percherons and Comtois. We have a show ring and the different types of horse are brought in and our Chairman gives an informative commentary about the work done by the different breeds of working horse. Visitors are also able to walk around and see the horses with their owners who are very helpful and always willing to talk about their horses. There is also a small display of ploughing, some vintage machinery to look at, wagon rides to enjoy and of course refreshments.

PLOUGHING MATCH - 5th September, 2010

This event also is usually held in Aughton. There is a ploughing match between teams of working horses pulling vintage machinery showing how farms were worked in bygone days. There are also wagon rides, chance to talk to owners about their horses, displays of traditional skills and again refreshments. Further details will be posted nearer the time.

Everyone is welcome to our events and many people return year after year. This is an excellent opportunity to see working horses in their traditional role, many of them decorated with plaits and ribbons, brasses on their harnesses and pulling vintage machinery.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

These two big shires are Colin and Bobby who do sterling work pulling the Society's bus at all our events.
The society meets every second Tuesday in the month at Broughton & District Club which is situated at Broughton on the A6, 2 minutes from junction 32, M6/M55. Take the Longridge Road from Broughton lights and the Club is 200 yards on the right. At the meetings we discuss forthcoming events, have guest speakers and like to hear any ideas that you may have.

We have among our members accomplished Ploughmen and other members who show in various classes to a very high standard in Ridden, In Hand and Decorated Gears.

Everyone is welcome, you don't have to be an expert. All our members are willing to pass on their expertise to anyone who is interested in horses of any kind.

The Society holds a Spring Working Day and a Ploughing Match with Heavy Horse Show each year. Notices regarding these dates will be put on the website.