Its the start of another year and we are planning this year's events.
We will be holding a Hands On Day on 13th February, but due to insurance reasons, this is only open to members. Its not much to join though, £10 or £15 per couple. If you are interested, just drop me an email. The hands on day is a good day to see how heavy horses are taught to pull ploughs etc and also listen to some of our more experienced members giving helpful hints.
There will be a Driving Day again on 3rd April when we will process round the lanes around the village to the pub and back.
The Spring Working Day is set for 1st May and as soon as details are finalised I will put them on the blog.
Alex Sharpehouse is having his Victoria Weekend again over the Easter Weekend and this too is definitely worth a trip out.
We also have a member who has some tack and a vehicle for sale so if anyone is interested, drop me an email.